2010 If you want it to be right…, 11.06 – 04.07, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany.

Tout est pardonné, 09.01 – 07.02, Centre Culturel Jacques Franck, Brussels.

2007 Upgraded, 14.10 – 16.12, L’usine galerie, Brussels.

2004 Citizens of Another World, 10.09 – 16.10, Galerie Isy Gabriel Brachot, Brussels.

2003 Robert Quint, 11. 04 – 11.05, Galerie du Botanique, Brussels.

2002 Citizens of Another World, 25.10 – 11.01.2003, Le Salon for Art Collectors, Paris.

2001 Eye.D-Please, 18.05 – 19.07, Taché-Levy Gallery, Brussels.

2000 Citizens of Another World, 7 – 29.07, curated by Taché-Levy Gallery, ABN Amro Bank, Antwerp.

1999 Robert Quint, 3.09 – 9.10, Taché-Levy Gallery, Brussels.



2010 X3, 01.05 – 13.06, Ianchelevici Museum, La Louvière, Belgium.

2009 Abies Amabilis, 12.12.2009 – 11.01.2010, Galerie Collectif E3, Arles, France.

Sara Bomans, Robert Quint, Tamara Van San, 04.10 – 20.12, Exit 11, Grand-Leez, Belgium.

Dream Time, 14.05 – 11.11, curated by Pascal Pique, MAMAC, Toulouse.

2008 Anonymous Drawing, 19-21.12, curated by Anke Becker, Kunstraum Kreutzberg Bethanien, Berlin.

Plastic, 6.12, The White Hotel, Brussels.

Honorons Honoré, 28.09 – 23.11, curated by Damien Delepeleire, Cultuurcentrum De Garage, Mechelen.

Anonymous Drawings 8 – 6.04, Blütenweiss hosted by Meinblau, Berlin.

2007 Night of 1000 Drawings, 13.12, Artists Spaces, New York.

Exhibition Be.eautiful, Be-day for peace, 11.11 – 08.12, Belgicarium, Brussels.

Confronting Mortality with Art and Science, 18.10 – 20.10, Plantin Moretus Museum, Antwerp.

Plastic, Live Performances, 12.10, The White Hotel, Brussels.

Berliner Liste Art Fair, 29.09- 03.10, Berlin.

Selected at the 17th Price, 22.09 – 16.12, Centre de la Gravure et de l’Image Imprimée, la Louvière.

Selected at the Biennal Price Georges Collignon, 31.08 -30.09, Museum of Contemporary Art, Liège.

Anonyme Zeichner 7, 24.08 – 25.08,Blütenweiss hosted by GLUE, Berlin.

Paysages / Visionsparadoxales, 11.05 – 21.07, ISELP, Brussels.

2006 Selected at the Price Art Contest 2006, Brussels.

Now Won, 27.01 – 18.03, Aeroplastics Gallery, Brussels.

2004 Galerie Gabriel Brachot, Brussels.

Art Brussels, Dexia Bank, Brussels.

2002 Super* Light, 13 – 21.07,

Le Salon for Art Collectors, Sète.

Passion 4 Art, 17.04 – 19.05, Le Salon for Art Collectors, London.

2001 Usagexterne, la galerie des Jeunes Créateurs, Brussels.

Axion Art, Dexia Bank, Brussels.

Art Brussels,Taché-Levy Gallery, Brussels.

2000 Art Brussels, Taché-Levy Gallery, Brussels.

1999 Flying Cow Project, Brussels.

Art Brussels, Taché-Levy Gallery, Brussels.

Axion Art, Crédit Communal, Brussels.

1998 La Chocolaterie, Brussels.Axion Art, Crédit Communal, Brussels.

1997 Y-a-t’il quelque chose à l’intérieurd’une huître, Espace Jaqumotte,Brussels.


1996 Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore.

1993-98 ENSAV La Cambre, Brussels.



2010 selected at the Preis der nationalgalerie für junge kunst 2011 (long list), Berlin.

2007 selected at the Price Georges Collignon, MAMAC, Liège.

2006 selected at the Price Art Contest, Brussels.

2001 selected at the Price Mediatine, Brussels.



Honorons Honoré, 28th Sept-23 Nov. 2008, Cultuurcentrum De Garage, Mechelen, pp.218-219.

Paysages/Visions paradoxales, 11th May-21 July 2007, ISELP, Brussels, pp. 60-61.

Evergreens, edition of 28 Lithographies, 21,5 x 15,5 cm, 2007, Bruno Robbe Editions, Mons.

Confronting Mortality with Art and Science, 2007,VUB Press, Brussels, pp.262-263.



2010 at the International Studio Program Künstlerhaus Bethanien.
